One Year Home

Kelly and Kevenel came to Three Angels as infants in April of 2012. They spent two years in our orphanage while an adoptive family was found, dossiers where completed, and their adoptions were processed. From start to finish, the boys' care was supported and funded by a team of Orphan Care sponsors. (To read more about this family's journey read here and here.)

This past June marked a significant milestone in their lives. They have been home with their mommy, daddy and sisters for over a year now! Here is a little update from their mom, Amanda:

After spending the first two years of our sons lives an ocean apart from them; this past year has been spent making up lost time. It's been a year of teaching them that they belong; a year of showing them how treasured they are; a year of embracing them as SONS and BROTHERS; a year of enduring hardships as they learn that our LOVE will always be theirs no matter what; a year of rejoicing as a family that only God could mold and make into what it is today. Thank you Lord for the blessing of all our precious children. Everyday is sweeter. Love is deeper. Life is richer. Happy, happy FAMILY DAY sweet SONS!!!

We encourage you to become an Orphan Care sponsor today and experience a real partnership in this kind of deep joy!