Au Revoir, Reginald!

We believe that every child deserves a forever family.

Reginald on the plane with parents.JPG

That is why we are thrilled to announce that Reginald finally went home with his! Reginald’s story is different from most of the stories of children from the past, but it is becoming more of the "normal" way of doing things. Between flight reductions and restrictions due to COVID, families are finding it more difficult to travel. Reginald's family was not able to go to Haiti and spend the week with him as is traditionally done prior to departure, so Reginald went to meet them with an escort from his family's adoption agency.

Even though things are being done differently with these changing times, the important thing is that Reginald is finally with his forever family.

Reginald came to us in March 2018 along with Antoine and Lorvencia. All three children were living at a local hospital, and although the staff there did their best to give them good care, it just was not the same as having a home. That’s why, when we heard about them, we knew we had to bring them to Angel House.

Although all the children live in Angel House together, each child becomes part of a “family” unit with a dedicated day nanny, a dedicated night nanny, and one or two “siblings.” This family structure promotes emotional health and prioritizes bonding abilities, which will ease the transition to a forever family through adoption.

Reginald, Christ, & Antoine

Reginald fit right into Angel House and was welcomed with open arms. Friends with everyone, he became especially close to Christ, Steeve, Hendell, and Antoine. If you have been following us in recent years, no doubt you have seen many of the sweet photos of these boys living life together— at home, at school, and with all their many adventures.

Reginald, Christ, & Steeve

We think Reginald got off to a very good start at Angel House, but our dream for him—and every child in our care—is to have a forever family of his very own. That dream finally became a reality for Reginald!

Reginald was very, very excited to be going home with his family! When we asked him what he would do first when he saw them, he said, “I will run to them and hug them very tight!” He said he will also miss everyone at Angel House, especially Antoine, Christ, Steeve, and the nannies, but we know he will always keep us in his heart.

Just as we will keep him close in ours.

There are other children at Angel House Orphanage who need sponsors! If you'd like to learn more about being a part of a child's life until they go home too, like Reginald, click here: