A Rose by Any Other Name

For all of you who follow along with the little ones at Angel House Orphanage,

you are probably familiar with all the names and faces of the three-and-under set. Antoine’s antics, Reginald’s megawatt smile, and Yoline’s angelically sweet chubby cheeks have made many appearances on social media, our newsletters, and even our website.

But how much do you know about the many other faces behind the scenes that keep all the pieces moving and keep these little ones smiling and happy? From our wonderful nannies to our faithful cooks to our security men who keep everyone safe, there are many people in many different kinds of roles who are vital to our mission. One of those people is Rose.

Rose Indise Jean is our Crèche Director. If you’re not familiar with the word “crèche,” it’s a French word that originally referred to a manger and later to Christ’s nativity. Nowadays, in some countries, including Haiti, it refers to a daycare center or an orphanage. Rose is the keeper of Angel House.

Angel House Orphanage currently has 16 children ranging in age from infant to four years. While providing excellent care for them that will result in happy and healthy children, both physically and emotionally, is our immediate concern, our ultimate goal is to see every one of them adopted into loving forever families. And that’s not an easy task.

Rose is an impressive young woman who has excelled in her role, and we could not be more happy to have her on our Team! As a college graduate with a degree in Business Administration, she skillfully navigates the complicated Haitian Social Services web, as well as a number of other government agencies, and has demonstrated that she is a born leader. We rely on Rose to make sure that the adoption processes of these precious children keep moving along in a system pitted with obstacles, and she does just that. She has Angel House running like clockwork, and it’s a great feeling knowing that the little ones in our care have Rose at the wheel.

We asked this go-getter to tell us a bit about herself so that you can get to know her a bit, too. Read on, and meet Rose.

Pictured L to R: Nurse Marjorie, Nurse Marie Came, Madame Valet (Orphanage Manager), Diane Kehrli (Medical Director), ROSE, Christine Helgemo (Haiti Director), and Nurse Marie Flore

“As a goal-oriented person, I like setting patterns and overcoming obstacles.”

“I think it is because my life was not easy at all, and I had to struggle daily to attain all my goals. So the habit of being resilient in any kind of situation that could destroy me has helped me to deal with the adoption process, which is one of the most important parts of my job.”

“I like every part of my job as the Crèche Director and Adoption Assistant.”

“I like the way I have to manage my days to make equilibrium between administrative tasks and adoption tasks. I like the fact that I should be persuasive, persistent, and patient to push forward the adoption process. One of the most interesting facets of my job is the fact I play an important role in the life transformation of these abandoned kids, to be able to find them some lovely families that will raise them in rightness, love, and peace. If I had to start over again, I would choose to help these defenseless babies, find them a safe place, and teach them how to love themselves and others, because a good society has its root in how we take care of little kids.”

“My strengths are my capacity of true altruism (and I am not bragging!), my persistence, and my incredible patience.

“Back in the days, people used to criticize me because of these qualities. They used to say that I am foolish; why do I have to always put people’s needs over my own? Why do I take my time to help someone to understand something that he or she will never understand? And why do I believe one will change his or her behavior towards me? I almost admitted that they were right until I came to Three Angels. Without these qualities, I would not be able to handle most of my tasks as the Crèche Director and the Adoption Assistant. I think having these strengths is a blessing.”

“Someday, I would like to build my own company that will be very new in the eyes of the Haitian people, something that is revolutionary. But for now, I am very happy helping to make a future for the children at Angel House. I am very happy with Three Angels.”