The Gift of Christmas Dinner

We didn’t know if we could pull it off this year.

Some of the adorable party-goers!

The unrest in Haiti has been so severe since school started in September that children have been unable to attend school. Although we kept our school going and found creative ways to continue engaging our students, our classrooms were empty, and oh how we missed the happy voices of these children. We didn’t know how we would get meals to these families, but we were determined. (You can read more about the impact of Haiti’s current political climate HERE.)

In line for his Christmas dinner!

Then December came, and with it a time of tentative peacefulness. The children returned to school; first in street clothes so as not to attract attention, and then in school uniform. And slowly, things began to feel normal again.

With this respite from the trauma of the previous months, we were not only able to gift each student’s family with a full Christmas dinner; we were also able to throw our annual Christmas party complete with music, class productions, and a small gift for every single child.

And lots of fun was had by all!

We are so very thankful for all who donated to make this happen.

Because of your generosity, every single child and their family received a full Christmas dinner complete with all the fixings. After months of fear and uncertainty and doing without, a time of peace and a joyous occasion with the gift of a festive and nutritious meal are appreciated more than we can say.

We are truly grateful!

Please enjoy the slideshow below with images from the day, and let us know which are your favorites!

On behalf of our students and their families, and from the bottoms of our hearts, we sincerely thank you and wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!