A Hedge of Protection

If you’ve ever prayed for the children and staff at Angel House Orphanage…

…you might have asked God to set a hedge of protection around them to keep them safe from all harm.

What you see here is a literal answer to that prayer. In this crowded urban core that is never quite safe but even less so as time goes by with the increase of gang activity, things like walls and guards and gates are very important. That is why when the gate to Angel House grew old and unreliable after many years of repairs and patches, we knew it had to be replaced.

The old gate as seen from the street.

A gate like this one provides a hedge of protection between our tender charges and the outside world.

Our armed guards ensure that entry is restricted, and the little ones in our care remain safe and unbothered. But a gate like this comes at a price— one we could not afford without help. Thanks to some very generous and caring donors, we were able to replace that old gate with this new sturdy one.

There are many ways you can support the children of Angel House!

Besides food and medical care, toys and clothing, nannies and nurses, Angel House has many expenses that might seem less exciting to support, but these needs are equally critical to the safe care of these little ones. Shelter, water, armed security, fuel and transportation for hospital checkups, tools for structural repairs, and property maintenance are all things that we could not do without.

How do we cover these “other” expenses?

Primarily, all needs are provided for through Orphan Care Sponsorships because it’s not only a child’s daily food and medicine that cares for the WHOLE child, it’s also these other more mundane expenses. However, some of our partners prefer to give directly to provide for specific needs such as this gate. If you’ve ever wondered where the dollars go when you make a donation, know that we are counting every penny and putting them all to the best use possible and making sure that each child is healthy, safe, and loved.

We are thankful for every donation and for everyone who chooses to partner with Three Angels!