It's a Boy... AND a Girl!

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Say HELLO to Jhon and Angela!

These two bundles of joy arrived less than a week ago and are already being lavished with love and care by our Angel House staff.

Not quite a toddler, Jhon is a bubbly little boy who lights up the room. Born in January 2020, he came to us from a local hospital where he had been abandoned just before his first birthday.  He is healthy now after being well cared for over the last nine months at the hospital, but we’ll continue to keep a close eye on his health and make sure he receives any medical care he might need.  Jhon just recently took his first steps, and he is trying to learn to speak now, too!  He is a very sweet and affectionate baby who always has a smile ready, even while he’s feeling the effects of cutting his first teeth. 

The nannies are all swooning over baby Angela!  This little beauty was abandoned at a local hospital shortly after birth because she was born with a malformed anus.  This will require several surgeries to correct, one of which was just completed.  She’ll get all the care she needs at Angel House—with close oversight by our medical staff—while she prepares for the next procedure.  She is otherwise a healthy little girl who seems strong and older than her tender age, and we have every reason to believe she will make a complete recovery and live a perfectly normal, healthy life once the necessary surgeries are done.  Even now, Angela is very active and can sit, roll, and even tries to dance! She is an easy and happy baby whose smile dims only when she becomes too hot.


If you would like to be a part of Jhon or Angela’s life at Angel House, sign up to become an Orphan Care Sponsor! As an OCS, you’ll receive monthly photos and updates, as well as an occasional gift from the little one you help care for.