Action de Grâce

Are you thankful?

We are too.

Although we could not celebrate graduation this year as we usually do, we were nonetheless bursting with thanks for the many blessings and victories of 2020-21. It was only natural to celebrate with an Action de Grâce (Action of Grace.)

Action de Grâce is a ceremonial custom in Haiti that is practiced in many schools and churches. It is much like Thanksgiving in North America except it is not a designated calendar date; it can be celebrated whenever the occasion calls for it. It is held frequently, but schools typically do so at the end of the school year to thank God for His provision. This year, we were especially thankful for a mostly consistent year of in-person education despite the significant challenges of COVID and political unrest, but it was also the perfect occasion to celebrate our graduates. We are so proud of these children and this significant accomplishment!

For this Action de Grâce celebration, all the parents of our students came together with an abundant variety of fruits to share. After much worship and singing, prayers, and presentations, the fruit was prepared and given to everyone to enjoy in a symbolic receiving of God’s faithful blessings. In this impoverished country where the burdens are heavy, the overflowing of joy and thankfulness from these amazingly resilient children, their families, and our wonderful staff fills our hearts to the brim.

Li fidèl anpil. Great is His faithfulness.