Be Our Guest!

We have some fresh faces around Three Angels!

Max and Zhanna Jean recently settled in as our new Guesthouse Managers along with their daughter, Emilia (4,) and son, Oliver (2.)

Welcome, Jean family!

Max, a native Haitian, and Russian-born Zhanna have traveled all over the world— the United States, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Jamaica, Uganda, and South Korea— working on clean water projects, leading Bible classes and street evangelism, and teaching tech skills and English as a second language. They met a decade ago in Jamaica where they both served as missionaries, but they eventually made their way back to Haiti to make their home together.

After years of taking God’s Word to gang members, building a school and a medical clinic, and serving with various local orphanages, schools, and missions, they knew it was time for a change. With no prospects on the Haitian horizon, they felt the best move would be to relocate to the United States. But God had other plans.

A visit to our Guesthouse a few months ago was all about God’s perfect timing, because we were in need of new Guesthouse Managers just when the Jeans were in need of a place to serve. And not only was the timing perfect, but the fit is perfect too! Max and Zhanna know that simply changing someone’s life will not resolve the significant problems Haiti faces; they know the work must go deeper. As like-minded partners, the Jeans believe that Three Angels is tapping into that long-term solution and empowering Haiti and her people to self heal by offering education, jobs, access to health and nutrition, and hope. These are strategies that will form the building blocks for a stronger, more self-sufficient people and nation—a worthy endeavor indeed!

In addition to overseeing Three Angels’ Haiti facilities, Max’s background in IT makes him ideally suited to manage our school’s new Media Center. Not only does he know all the ropes for setting up and providing maintenance for these delicate new systems and equipment, Max will also be teaching our students and staff this fall. His dream is that the Media Center will ultimately prove to be a blessing to all of Port-au-Prince, as those who receive training take their new skills out into their communities to benefit others.

Zhanna is the First Lady of our Guesthouse and oversees every detail to ensure that the household is running smoothly and efficiently. As if that were not demanding enough for a mother of two young children, she also has plans in the works to teach English as a second language to our staff, offering them a new skillset that will expand their opportunities and allow them to communicate better with our North American team members and visitors. She has already proven to be a valuable asset, employing her artistic talents to capture many of the engaging images that we share with you through social media, email newsletters, and our website.

Please help us welcome the Jeans by leaving a note for them below!

Max and Zhanna are excited about raising their family here and are eagerly anticipating the many visitors and mission teams that will fill these walls. Anxious for the opportunity to share the love of God and what he is doing with Three Angels, they are extending a personal invitation to YOU!

That’s right: Travelers are already booking trips to Haiti, and the Jeans (as well as the rest of us at Three Angels!) are eager for you to visit. Come see what we’re doing! Meet the Jeans, our students, the little ones at Angel House Orphanage, and our friendly staff. Whether you just want to get to know us or have a plan to serve, we’d love to see you here!

Need help planning a trip or just want to know more? Let us know! Email Jane at to get started.