A Christmas to Remember

Life in Haiti is never easy, but recent years have been especially difficult. Despite the challenging circumstances our students and staff must endure, their spirit remains indominable, and they continue to persevere. A daily trek to school is a literal life-or-death journey with these children at times being forced to navigate through bodies in the streets or to outrun gunfire. But these risks are not enough to keep our students away; in fact, our school attendance rate is higher than that in the United States!

In such a life, pleasant distractions are heartily welcomed, and the Christmas season brings a host of those. Three Angels’ Annual Christmas Dinner Event, which provides every student with a complete Christmas Dinner to take home to share with their entire family, is a standout. Can you imagine? For many of these children, the only meal they receive on a daily basis is the hot lunch provided at school; to be given a full meal to take home for their family to share is a big deal! That makes this event super important to us, and we know it’s important to you, too, because you make it a grand success year after year. This year was no exception.


Thanks to the generosity of you and others like you, this year’s Christmas Dinner Event provided a complete Christmas Dinner for 314 students and their families. But do you know that it also provided a mountain of encouragement? Your gifts remind these struggling families that they are not forgotten, and they know that along with these meals, your prayers are covering them, too. That means the world to all of us.

There was also a very special treat included in this year’s celebrations: thanks to a wonderful group of Compassionate Entrepreneurs and friends from Trades of Hope, every child enjoyed an ice cream cone— a very rare treat for these kids! We know they will be talking about this treat for a long time to come.


The photos you’re seeing here are just the tip of the iceberg; sit back and take five minutes to watch the video below and soak in the joy of the season with the children of Three Angels. Their joy is contagious!

THANK YOU to everyone who made this event possible. Your gifts blessed these families tremendously, and we are grateful!