Home Sweet Home

Woodjina and Hendell are HOME!

Woodjina went home with her family on Christmas day, and Hendell went home with his earlier this month.

We are so happy for them and for their families!

Woodjina and Hendell were Angel House "siblings," meaning that they belonged to the same orphanage family unit. Both were raised by Nanny Myrlaine and regarded one another as family. It seems fitting that they should both go home at the same time.

Although they will not grow up close together geographically, those first bonds of love will never break. We are so thankful for all who supported the first years of their lives at Angel House with Orphan Care Sponsorships, and we are thankful for all who have--and will continue to--pray for these little ones.

There are other children at Angel House Orphanage who need sponsors too! If you'd like to learn more about being a part of a child's life until they go home too, like Woodjina or Hendell, click here: