A Soft Start

The 2021-22 school year is just around the corner, and we’re already setting our students up for success!

Our returning students know what to expect and are ready to roll, but there will be a brand new class of preschoolers who will find being away from their mothers for the first time to be a very big change. We invited 111 students—new preschoolers, new students of other grades, the Angel House kids, and children of staff—to join us a little early so we can get to know one another and ease into a full day away from home.

Some had a hard time when Mom left for the day…

This orientation period is a soft start for these precious little ones. Coloring, playground time, games, music, and delicious snacks fill the time they are with us—three six-hour days a week for three weeks—until the full school days begin on September 6.

There were tears for some—but don’t worry; smiles soon followed!

For some, making friends and enjoying this time to the fullest comes naturally and is an easy-peasy thing to do. For others, it’s not so easy. Being away from Mom for this first time in a big new place full of new people and noisy kids can be a bit much for some of the more sensitive children to bear. We understand, and that’s why we’re easing them in gently and making this new experience as fun as possible. These three weeks are filled with plenty of time to get to know their teachers and future friends and for their classrooms to feel familiar and welcoming. They’ll be pros in no time at all and will look forward to joining us daily when school begins!

Enjoy these images of this orientation period, and wish them all the best of luck as they begin their Three Angels careers!

Did you know that every student at Three Angels needs a sponsor?

Most of the children in these images will need sponsors, and one of them could be YOU! For $34 a month, you can give a child an education, medical care, nutritious food, and a safe and welcoming place to spend the day. Find out more by clicking the button below!